How to Build and Install the Move Framework =========================== - UNPACK THE DISTRIBUTION - CHECK TOOL PREREQUISITES - BUILD AND INSTALL - SETUP THE ENVIRONMENT - MAKE FIRST TEST 1. Unpack the archive file containing the Move distribution and 'cd' into the directory created. 2. Make sure that the following GNU tools are installed: make (3.78) bison (1.28) flex (2.5.4) yacc gcc, g++ GTK (1.2 series, needed by graphview, remember to install headers too) Also latex and latex2html are needed to build the documentation. (Note: some newer versions of 'bison' may give problems). IMPORTANT NOTE: It's a known problem with MOVE source code base that with certain gcc versions or optimization flags, the resulting MOVE binaries might get broken in compilation. Especially scheduler is known to break with some gcc/optimization flag combinations. This is due to badly written code with unspecified behavior in certain spots of the code base. Unfortunately, TUT does not currently have resources for cleaning the MOVE source code base up, but the development effort is directed to a complete new TTA framework developed since 2002. Following is a list of tested Linux distributions/gcc version/compiler switch combinations using which MOVE is known to work (at least somehow). It is recommened to use a combination in this list to compile and use MOVE. Distribution GCC version switches notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Hat 9 3.2.2 -O0 -O1 Red Hat Enterprise v.3 Debian Sarge 3.3.5 -O0 -O1 problems scheduling without profile Fedora Core 3 3.3.2 Fedora Core 4 4.0.1 -O0 -O1 Ubuntu 4.0.2 -O0 -O1 If you find a combination that is not in this list working with MOVE, please inform of it to, and we'll add it to this list. Thanks. 3. Type the following commands (each one will take a while to complete): autoreconf ./configure --prefix=PATH make make install Where PATH is the path where you want the Move Framework should be installed. The default path is '/usr/local'. If you encounter installation problems, see TROUBLESHOOTING for possible solutions. See README-AUTOTOOLS for detail on 'configure' script and how to generate it, should it be missing. 4. Make sure that the path to the Move Framework executables is in $PATH environment variable whenever a new shell is started. The installer creates two scripts ( and move.csh) that set up the $PATH environment appropriately. Copy these scripts into your home directory and add the following lines to the setup scripts: .cshrc: if ( -f ${HOME}/move.csh ) then source ${HOME}/move.csh endif .shrc or .bashrc: test -f ${HOME}/ && source ${HOME}/ (Note: you find these lines also in above scripts, as comments.) 5. Type source scripts/move.csh or simply open a new shell. Now you should be able to use the Move Framework. Try the following: which schedule schedule -N gcc-move -v The last may take a while, since the first time the 'gcc-move' script is invoked a new move library should be built. 6. Go trough the tutorial that comes with the package