6 Platform Integrator

Platform Integrator is a part of the Processor Generator tool. Platform Integrator supports automated integration of TTA cores to different FPGA platforms. The main use case for platform integrator is to create IP-components out of TTAs for SoC designs for vendor-specific system level design flows. In addition, standalone processor integration to FPGA chips is supported. Platform Integrator is invoked with switches to the generateprocessor command.

Platform Integrator specific command line parameters are the following:

...ert program\vert &
Name of tpef program. \textbf{Required}.

Here is an example how to use platform integrator:

generateprocessor -i arch.idf -o proge-output -g Stratix2DSP -d onchip -f vhdl_array -e FFTmuncher -p fft_app.tpef arch.adf

This command would try to integrate processor arch.adf to Stratix2DSP FPGA board using vhdl rom array for instruction memory and FPGA's onchip memory for data memory. HDL files created by Platform Integrator be stored to directory proge-output/platform and project files etc. are written to current working directory.

Pekka Jääskeläinen 2018-03-12