
10 Processor unit tester

Processor unit tester validates that the function units and register files of a processor are equal to their simulation models. The basic operation of processor unit tester is similar to the HDB tester (section 4.9).

1 Usage

Processor unit tester is invoked as follows:

ttaunittester <options> idf-file

Accepted command line options are:

... &
Enable verbose output. Prints all executed commands. \\

Example: Test units defined in idf:

ttaunittester arch.idf

Example: Test units defined in idf and validate idf against adf:

ttaunittester -a arch.adf arch.idf

Example: Test units defined in idf, enable verbose output, don't delete created files and use modelsim:

ttaunittester -v -d -s modelsim arch.idf

Pekka Jääskeläinen 2018-03-12