OpenASIP  2.0
Variables File Reference
#include "ADFSerializer.hh"
#include "Bus.hh"
#include "Guard.hh"
#include "Segment.hh"
#include "Socket.hh"
#include "Bridge.hh"
#include "FunctionUnit.hh"
#include "HWOperation.hh"
#include "ExecutionPipeline.hh"
#include "FUPort.hh"
#include "SpecialRegisterPort.hh"
#include "RegisterFile.hh"
#include "ImmediateUnit.hh"
#include "AddressSpace.hh"
#include "ControlUnit.hh"
#include "Connection.hh"
#include "InstructionTemplate.hh"
#include "TemplateSlot.hh"
#include "ADFSerializerTextGenerator.hh"
#include "Environment.hh"
#include "ObjectState.hh"
#include "OperationTriggeredFormat.hh"
Include dependency graph for

Go to the source code of this file.


const string MDF = "adf"
const string MDF_VERSION = "version"
const string MDF_VERSION_NUMBER = "1.20"
const string TRIGGER_INVALIDATES_OLD_RESULTS = "trigger-invalidates-old-results"
const string LITTLE_ENDIAN_MACHINE = "little-endian"
const string BITNESS64 = "bitness64"
const string ALWAYS_WRITE_BACK_RESULTS = "always-write-back-results"
const string FUNCTION_UNITS_ORDERED = "fu-ordered"
const string BUS = "bus"
const string BUS_NAME = "name"
const string BUS_WIDTH = "width"
const string SHORT_IMMEDIATE = "short-immediate"
const string SHORT_IMM_WIDTH = "width"
const string SHORT_IMM_EXTENSION = "extension"
const string SIGN_EXTENSION = "sign"
const string ZERO_EXTENSION = "zero"
const string GUARD = "guard"
const string INVERTED_EXPR = "inverted-expr"
const string SIMPLE_EXPR = "simple-expr"
const string GUARD_BOOL = "bool"
const string GUARD_REGFILE_NAME = "name"
const string GUARD_REGFILE_INDEX = "index"
const string GUARD_UNIT = "unit"
const string GUARD_UNIT_NAME = "name"
const string GUARD_UNIT_PORT = "port"
const string ALWAYS_FALSE_GUARD = "always-false"
const string ALWAYS_TRUE_GUARD = "always-true"
const string SEGMENT = "segment"
const string SEGMENT_NAME = "name"
const string SEGMENT_WRITES_TO = "writes-to"
const string SOCKET = "socket"
const string SOCKET_NAME = "name"
const string SOCKET_READS_FROM = "reads-from"
const string SOCKET_WRITES_TO = "writes-to"
const string SOCKET_BUS = "bus"
const string SOCKET_SEGMENT = "segment"
const string BRIDGE = "bridge"
const string BRIDGE_NAME = "name"
const string BRIDGE_READS_FROM = "reads-from"
const string BRIDGE_WRITES_TO = "writes-to"
const string FUNCTION_UNIT = "function-unit"
const string FU_NAME = "name"
const string FU_ADDRESS_SPACE = "address-space"
const string FU_OPERATION = "operation"
const string FU_OP_NAME = "name"
const string FU_OP_BIND = "bind"
const string FU_OP_BIND_NAME = "name"
const string FU_OP_PIPELINE = "pipeline"
const string FU_OP_PL_RESOURCE = "resource"
const string FU_OP_PL_RES_NAME = "name"
const string FU_OP_PL_RES_START_CYCLE = "start-cycle"
const string FU_OP_PL_RES_CYCLES = "cycles"
const string FU_OP_PL_READS = "reads"
const string FU_OP_PL_READS_NAME = "name"
const string FU_OP_PL_WRITES = "writes"
const string FU_OP_PL_WRITES_NAME = "name"
const string REGISTER_FILE = "register-file"
const string RF_NAME = "name"
const string RF_TYPE = "type"
const string RF_TYPE_NORMAL = "normal"
const string RF_TYPE_VOLATILE = "volatile"
const string RF_TYPE_RESERVED = "reserved"
const string RF_SIZE = "size"
const string RF_WIDTH = "width"
const string RF_MAX_READS = "max-reads"
const string RF_MAX_WRITES = "max-writes"
const string RF_GUARD_LATENCY = "guard-latency"
const string RF_ZERO_REGISTER = "zero-register"
const string IMMEDIATE_UNIT = "immediate-unit"
const string IU_NAME = "name"
const string IU_TYPE = "type"
const string IU_TYPE_NORMAL = "normal"
const string IU_TYPE_VOLATILE = "volatile"
const string IU_TYPE_RESERVED = "reserved"
const string IU_SIZE = "size"
const string IU_LATENCY = "latency"
const string IU_WIDTH = "width"
const string IU_MAX_READS = "max-reads"
const string IU_MAX_WRITES = "max-writes"
const string IU_EXTENSION = "extension"
const string IU_GUARD_LATENCY = "guard-latency"
const string IU_TEMPLATE = "template"
const string IU_TEMPLATE_NAME = "name"
const string IU_TEMPLATE_SLOT = "slot"
const string IU_TEMPLATE_SLOT_NAME = "name"
const string IU_TEMPLATE_SLOT_WIDTH = "width"
const string IU_TEMPLATE_BUS = "bus"
const string ADDRESS_SPACE = "address-space"
const string AS_NAME = "name"
const string AS_WIDTH = "width"
const string AS_MIN_ADDRESS = "min-address"
const string AS_MAX_ADDRESS = "max-address"
const string AS_NUMERICAL_ID = "numerical-id"
const string AS_SHARED_MEMORY = "shared-memory"
const string CONTROL_UNIT = "global-control-unit"
const string CU_NAME = "name"
const string CU_ADDRESS_SPACE = "address-space"
const string CU_DELAY_SLOTS = "delay-slots"
const string CU_GUARD_LATENCY = "guard-latency"
const string CU_RETURN_ADDRESS = "return-address"
const string CU_CTRL_OPERATION = "ctrl-operation"
const string CU_SPECIAL_PORT = "special-port"
const string PORT = "port"
const string PORT_NAME = "name"
const string PORT_CONNECTS_TO = "connects-to"
const string FU_PORT_WIDTH = "width"
const string FU_PORT_TRIGGERS = "triggers"
const string FU_PORT_SETS_OPCODE = "sets-opcode"
const string FU_PORT_NO_REGISTER = "no-register"
const string IMMEDIATE_SLOT = "immediate-slot"
const string IMMEDIATE_SLOT_NAME = "name"
const string TEMPLATE_RF_READ = "register-file-read"
const string TEMPLATE_RF_WRITE = "register-file-write"
const string TEMPLATE_FU_READ = "function-unit-read"
const string TEMPLATE_FU_WRITE = "function-unit-write"
const string ADF_SCHEMA_FILE = "mach/ADF_Schema.xsd"

Detailed Description

Implementation of ADFSerializer class.

Lasse Laasonen 2004 (
Pekka Jääskeläinen 2009-2014 (pjaaskel-no.spam-cs
reviewed 15 Jun 2004 by pj, vpj, ml, ll
rating: red

Definition in file

Variable Documentation


const string ADDRESS_SPACE = "address-space"


const string ADF_SCHEMA_FILE = "mach/ADF_Schema.xsd"

Definition at line 198 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::ADFSerializer().


const string ALWAYS_FALSE_GUARD = "always-false"

Definition at line 96 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string ALWAYS_TRUE_GUARD = "always-true"

Definition at line 97 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string ALWAYS_WRITE_BACK_RESULTS = "always-write-back-results"


const string AS_MAX_ADDRESS = "max-address"


const string AS_MIN_ADDRESS = "min-address"


const string AS_NAME = "name"


const string AS_NUMERICAL_ID = "numerical-id"


const string AS_SHARED_MEMORY = "shared-memory"


const string AS_WIDTH = "width"


const string BITNESS64 = "bitness64"


const string BRIDGE = "bridge"


const string BRIDGE_NAME = "name"

Definition at line 110 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::bridgeToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::bridgeToMDF().


const string BRIDGE_READS_FROM = "reads-from"

Definition at line 111 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::bridgeToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::bridgeToMDF().


const string BRIDGE_WRITES_TO = "writes-to"

Definition at line 112 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::bridgeToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::bridgeToMDF().


const string BUS = "bus"


const string BUS_NAME = "name"

Definition at line 79 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string BUS_WIDTH = "width"

Definition at line 80 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string CONTROL_UNIT = "global-control-unit"


const string CU_ADDRESS_SPACE = "address-space"


const string CU_CTRL_OPERATION = "ctrl-operation"


const string CU_DELAY_SLOTS = "delay-slots"


const string CU_GUARD_LATENCY = "guard-latency"


const string CU_NAME = "name"


const string CU_RETURN_ADDRESS = "return-address"


const string CU_SPECIAL_PORT = "special-port"


const string FU_ADDRESS_SPACE = "address-space"


const string FU_NAME = "name"


const string FU_OP_BIND = "bind"


const string FU_OP_BIND_NAME = "name"


const string FU_OP_NAME = "name"


const string FU_OP_PIPELINE = "pipeline"


const string FU_OP_PL_READS = "reads"

Definition at line 126 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::machinePipeline(), and ADFSerializer::mdfPipeline().


const string FU_OP_PL_READS_NAME = "name"

Definition at line 127 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::machinePipeline(), and ADFSerializer::mdfPipeline().


const string FU_OP_PL_RES_CYCLES = "cycles"

Definition at line 125 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::machinePipeline(), and ADFSerializer::mdfPipeline().


const string FU_OP_PL_RES_NAME = "name"

Definition at line 123 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::machinePipeline(), and ADFSerializer::mdfPipeline().


const string FU_OP_PL_RES_START_CYCLE = "start-cycle"

Definition at line 124 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::machinePipeline(), and ADFSerializer::mdfPipeline().


const string FU_OP_PL_RESOURCE = "resource"

Definition at line 122 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::machinePipeline(), and ADFSerializer::mdfPipeline().


const string FU_OP_PL_WRITES = "writes"

Definition at line 128 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::machinePipeline(), and ADFSerializer::mdfPipeline().


const string FU_OP_PL_WRITES_NAME = "name"

Definition at line 129 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::machinePipeline(), and ADFSerializer::mdfPipeline().


const string FU_OPERATION = "operation"


const string FU_PORT_NO_REGISTER = "no-register"

Definition at line 188 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::machineFUPort(), and ADFSerializer::mdfFUPort().


const string FU_PORT_SETS_OPCODE = "sets-opcode"

Definition at line 187 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::machineFUPort(), and ADFSerializer::mdfFUPort().


const string FU_PORT_TRIGGERS = "triggers"

Definition at line 186 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::machineFUPort(), and ADFSerializer::mdfFUPort().


const string FU_PORT_WIDTH = "width"


const string FUNCTION_UNIT = "function-unit"


const string FUNCTION_UNITS_ORDERED = "fu-ordered"


const string GUARD = "guard"

Definition at line 87 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string GUARD_BOOL = "bool"

Definition at line 90 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string GUARD_REGFILE_INDEX = "index"

Definition at line 92 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string GUARD_REGFILE_NAME = "name"

Definition at line 91 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string GUARD_UNIT = "unit"

Definition at line 93 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string GUARD_UNIT_NAME = "name"

Definition at line 94 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string GUARD_UNIT_PORT = "port"

Definition at line 95 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string IMMEDIATE_SLOT = "immediate-slot"


const string IMMEDIATE_SLOT_NAME = "name"


const string IMMEDIATE_UNIT = "immediate-unit"


const string INVERTED_EXPR = "inverted-expr"

Definition at line 88 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string IU_EXTENSION = "extension"


const string IU_GUARD_LATENCY = "guard-latency"


const string IU_LATENCY = "latency"


const string IU_MAX_READS = "max-reads"

Definition at line 153 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::immediateUnitToMachine().


const string IU_MAX_WRITES = "max-writes"


const string IU_NAME = "name"


const string IU_SIZE = "size"


const string IU_TEMPLATE = "template"


const string IU_TEMPLATE_BUS = "bus"

Definition at line 162 of file


const string IU_TEMPLATE_NAME = "name"


const string IU_TEMPLATE_SLOT = "slot"

Definition at line 159 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::instructionTemplateToMDF().


const string IU_TEMPLATE_SLOT_NAME = "name"


const string IU_TEMPLATE_SLOT_WIDTH = "width"


const string IU_TYPE = "type"


const string IU_TYPE_NORMAL = "normal"


const string IU_TYPE_RESERVED = "reserved"


const string IU_TYPE_VOLATILE = "volatile"


const string IU_WIDTH = "width"


const string LITTLE_ENDIAN_MACHINE = "little-endian"


const string MDF = "adf"

Definition at line 63 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::convertToMDFFormat().


const string MDF_VERSION = "version"

Definition at line 64 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::convertToMDFFormat().


const string MDF_VERSION_NUMBER = "1.20"

Definition at line 66 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::convertToMDFFormat().


const string PORT = "port"


const string PORT_CONNECTS_TO = "connects-to"


const string PORT_NAME = "name"


const string REGISTER_FILE = "register-file"


const string RF_GUARD_LATENCY = "guard-latency"


const string RF_MAX_READS = "max-reads"


const string RF_MAX_WRITES = "max-writes"


const string RF_NAME = "name"


const string RF_SIZE = "size"


const string RF_TYPE = "type"


const string RF_TYPE_NORMAL = "normal"


const string RF_TYPE_RESERVED = "reserved"


const string RF_TYPE_VOLATILE = "volatile"


const string RF_WIDTH = "width"


const string RF_ZERO_REGISTER = "zero-register"


const string SEGMENT = "segment"

Definition at line 98 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string SEGMENT_NAME = "name"

Definition at line 99 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string SEGMENT_WRITES_TO = "writes-to"

Definition at line 100 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string SHORT_IMM_EXTENSION = "extension"

Definition at line 83 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string SHORT_IMM_WIDTH = "width"

Definition at line 82 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string SHORT_IMMEDIATE = "short-immediate"

Definition at line 81 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string SIGN_EXTENSION = "sign"


const string SIMPLE_EXPR = "simple-expr"

Definition at line 89 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::busToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::busToMDF().


const string SOCKET = "socket"


const string SOCKET_BUS = "bus"

Definition at line 106 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::socketToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::socketToMDF().


const string SOCKET_NAME = "name"

Definition at line 103 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::socketToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::socketToMDF().


const string SOCKET_READS_FROM = "reads-from"

Definition at line 104 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::socketToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::socketToMDF().


const string SOCKET_SEGMENT = "segment"

Definition at line 107 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::socketToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::socketToMDF().


const string SOCKET_WRITES_TO = "writes-to"

Definition at line 105 of file

Referenced by ADFSerializer::socketToMachine(), and ADFSerializer::socketToMDF().


const string TEMPLATE_FU_READ = "function-unit-read"

Definition at line 195 of file


const string TEMPLATE_FU_WRITE = "function-unit-write"

Definition at line 196 of file


const string TEMPLATE_RF_READ = "register-file-read"

Definition at line 193 of file


const string TEMPLATE_RF_WRITE = "register-file-write"

Definition at line 194 of file


const string TRIGGER_INVALIDATES_OLD_RESULTS = "trigger-invalidates-old-results"


const string ZERO_EXTENSION = "zero"